1 Pensions & Investments, 09 Oct 2023 Rankings based total worldwide farmland and timberland assets under management for the 12 months ending 30 Jun 2023 as reported by each responding asset manager.
2 AUM is represented by Fair Market Value as of 31 Dec 2023
3 As of 31 Dec 2023
Important information on risk
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. All investments carry a certain degree of risk including, but not limited to, interest rate risk, credit risk, market risk and the possible loss of principal, and there is no assurance that an investment will provide positive performance over any period of time. Certain products and services may not be available to all entities or persons. There is no guarantee that the Strategy's investment objectives will be achieved.
As an asset class, agricultural investments are less developed, more illiquid, and less transparent
compared to traditional asset classes. Agricultural investments will be subject to risks generally associated with the ownership of real estate-related assets, including changes in economic conditions, environmental risks, the cost of and ability to obtain insurance, and risks related to leasing of properties. Certain products and services may not be available to all entities or persons.
Responsible investing incorporates Environmental Social Governance (ESG) factors that may affect
exposure to issuers, sectors, industries, limiting the type and number of investment opportunities available, which could result in excluding investments that perform well.
ESG integration incorporates financially relevant ESG factors into investment research in support of
portfolio management for actively managed strategies. Financial relevancy of ESG factors varies by asset class and investment strategy. Applicability of ESG factors may differ across investment strategies. ESG factors are among many factors considered in evaluating an investment decision, and unless otherwise stated in the relevant offering memorandum or prospectus, do not alter the investment guidelines, strategy or objectives.
Nuveen, LLC provides investment solutions through its investment specialists, including Nuveen Natural Capital LLC