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A walkway with curved glass windows and a handrail

Fixed income

Navigating the new fixed income markets

Which environment do you think will occur?

Icon of a rising line graph
Rising inflation
Icon of a rising line graph
Rising inflation
Icon of a rising line graph

Consider shorter duration, risk-off
strategies, including:

What would the Fed do?

Introduce steeper rate increases

What could happen?

Rising rates could trigger a recession over a protracted period.


This material may contain “forward-looking” information that is not purely historical in nature. Such information may include, among other things, projections, forecasts, estimates of market returns, and proposed or expected portfolio composition. Any changes to assumptions that may have been made in preparing this material could have a material impact on the information presented herein by way of example. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. 

Availability may change without notice. From time to time, we may close or reopen strategies. Certain strategies may not be available to certain investors, or may be available as other investment vehicles not listed. Not all products are available at all firms. Please check with your firm for availability.

Separately Managed Accounts typically require a minimum account of $100,000 for equity and asset allocation strategies and $250,000 for fixed income strategies, although the specific minimum account size varies by program and may be subject to change. The manager may waive these minimums based on client type, asset class, pre-existing relationship with client and other factors. For certain accounts, a negotiated minimum annual fee applies. Separately managed accounts programs have varying terms. Please contact your financial professional for your program’s information.

Important information on risk

Investing involves risk; principal loss is possible. There can be no assurance that any investment will provide positive performance over any period of time. There is no guarantee the Fund’s investment objectives will be achieved. Debt or fixed income securities such as those held by the Funds, are subject to market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, call risk, derivatives risk and income risk. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall. Below investmentgrade or high yield debt securities are subject to liquidity risk and heightened credit risk. Assetbacked and mortgage-backed securities are subject to additional risks such as prepayment risk, liquidity risk, default risk, and adverse economic developments. Funds will include only holdings deemed consistent with the applicable Environmental Social Governance (ESG) guidelines. As a result, the universe of investments available to the Funds may be more limited than other funds that do not apply such guidelines. ESG criteria risk is the risk that because the Funds’ ESG criteria excludes securities of certain issuers for nonfinancial reasons, the Funds may forgo some market opportunities available to funds that don’t use these criteria. Foreign investments involve additional risks, including currency fluctuation, political and economic instability, lack of liquidity and differing legal and accounting standards. These risks are magnified in emerging markets. Senior loans may not be fully secured by collateral, generally do not trade on exchanges, and are typically issued by unrated or below-investment grade companies, and therefore are subject to greater liquidity and credit risk. Preferred securities are subordinated to bonds and other debt instruments in a company’s capital structure and therefore are subject to greater credit risk. Certain types of preferred, hybrid or debt securities with special loss absorption provisions, such as contingent capital securities (CoCos), may be or become so subordinated that they present risks equivalent to, or in some cases even greater than, the same company’s common stock.

Investing in municipal bonds and a municipal bond investment vehicle involves risks such as interest rate risk, credit risk and market risk, including the possible loss of principal. The value of the portfolio will fluctuate based on the value of the underlying securities. In addition, the callability of bonds may increase interest rate risk exposure in the Laddered portfolios. Upon call, a client may be confronted with a less favorable interest rate environment than the one that existed when the original bond was purchased. Income may be subject to state and local income taxes. Capital gains, if any, will be subject to capital gains tax.

Investors should contact a tax professional regarding the appropriateness of tax-exempt investments in their portfolio. If sold prior to maturity, municipal securities are subject to gain/losses based on the level of interest rates, market conditions and the credit quality of the issuer. Income may be subject to the alternative minimum tax (AMT) and/or state and local taxes, based on the state of residence. Nuveen is not a tax professional. Consult your financial professional before making any tax or investment decisions. This information should not replace a client’s consultation with a tax professional regarding their tax situation.

Before investing, carefully consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. For this and other information that should be read carefully, please request a prospectus or summary prospectus from your financial professional or Nuveen at 800.257.8787 or visit

The investment advisory services, strategies and expertise of TIAA Investments, a division of Nuveen, are provided by Teachers Advisors, LLC and TIAA-CREF Investment Management, LLC. Nuveen Asset Management, LLC is a registered investment adviser and an affiliate of Nuveen, LLC.

Nuveen Securities, LLC, member FINRA and SIPC.

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