All data as of December 31, 2023 unless otherwise noted.
1 We cannot guarantee that we will make distributions, and if we do, we may fund such distributions from sources other than cash flow from operations, including the sale of assets, borrowings, return of capital or offering proceeds, and although we generally expect to fund distributions from cash flow from operations, we have not established limits on the amounts we may pay from such other sources. 100% of inception-to-date distributions were funded from cash flows from operations.
Quarterly tender offers to repurchase shares are expected, but not guaranteed. The Board of Trustees may amend, suspend or terminate share repurchases at its discretion.
2 KBRA DLD's Lender Mandates as of 31 Dec 2023.
3 Pitchbook Data’s 2023 Lending League Tables.
4 Churchill was selected as a finalist for Americas Junior Lender of the Year based in December 2023; after an online industry vote, Churchill was ranked
third of all finalists in March 2024.
5 The amount of ‘private capital invested’ shown above includes investments made, originated or committed to by Churchill Asset Management LLC and its affiliates, including TIAA, since 2011 (in respect of its Private Equity and Junior Capital platform) and since 2015 (in respect of its Senior Lending platform). Investments include committed investments that ultimately may not have been fully drawn or funded.
6 Includes private equity fund commitments made under the Private Equity fund strategy since 2011. Excludes venture capital and secondaries commitments. TIAA and client capital commitments to Churchill that are not yet committed to specific underlying funds are excluded.
Returns: Returns shown are preliminary. Net total returns are calculated as the change in net asset value ("NAV") per share during the period, plus distributions per share (assuming dividends and distributions are reinvested) divided by the beginning NAV per share. Actual individual investor performance may differ from the aggregated share class performance. All returns shown assume reinvestment of distributions pursuant to Nuveen Churchill Private Capital Income Fund's (the "Fund") distribution reinvestment plan, are derived from unaudited financial information and are net of all expenses, including general and administrative expenses, transaction related expenses, management fees, incentive fees and share class specific fees, but exclude the impact of early repurchase deductions on the repurchase of shares that have been outstanding for less than one year. The returns have been prepared using unaudited data and valuations of the underlying investments in the Fund's portfolio, which are estimates of fair value and form the basis for the Fund's NAV. Valuations based upon unaudited reports from the underlying investments may be subject to later adjustments, may not correspond to realized value and may not accurately reflect the price at which assets could be liquidated. Class D shares and Class S shares listed as (With sales load) reflect the returns after the maximum upfront selling commission and dealer manager fees of 1.5% and 3.5%, respectively. Class D shares and Class S shares listed as (No sales load) exclude up-front selling commissions and dealer manager fees. Class I does not charge any upfront selling commissions or dealer manager fees. Returns are annualized for periods longer than one year.
Before investing, carefully consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. For this and other information that should be read carefully, please request a prospectus or summary prospectus from your financial professional or Nuveen at 800.257.8787.