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Scholars Choice®

Help your clients save for the future

Get started with enrollment

The power to achieve

The Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan is comprised of investment portfolios with underlying funds from Nuveen, TIAA and other leading asset managers. It also offers federal tax advantages, with added state tax benefits for Colorado residents. Learn how Scholars Choice can help your clients achieve their investment goals and three simple steps to enroll.

Scholars Choice logo

This page is intended for financial professional use only. Account owners can visit Scholars Choice for investors.


3 simple steps to enroll

Step 1: Complete enrollment form
Access our Scholars Choice enrollment form to open an account or order a kit to learn more information.

Please note: A Scholars Choice new account application is not required to open accounts at the following firms: Ameriprise, Edward Jones, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley.

Step 2: View investment guide
Review the Scholars Choice investment portfolios.

Step 3: Mail completed forms
Send the completed forms to:

Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan
P.O. Box 219372
Kansas City, MO 64121

Please note: Financial professionals should check with their Home Office to confirm where Scholars Choice paperwork should be sent. Some Broker-Dealers require their financial professionals to send the paperwork to their Home Office. Be sure to check with your firm regarding internal 529 processing procedures.



For sales and marketing questions, contact Nuveen at 800.752.8700, Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM ET.

Account level questions, contact the Scholars Choice service center at 888.572.4652, Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM ET.

*The FAFSA Simplification Act, passed by Congress as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, includes several changes intended to simplify the financial aid application process including a shorter and more user-friendly FAFSA, which is slated to become available in late December 2023. Other provisions include changing the term Expected Family Contribution (EFC) to the Student Aid Index (SAI), as well as new rules for determining federal aid eligibility for the 2024-2025 award year. Visit Studentaid. gov for more information and updates.

The Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan is offered by the State of Colorado. TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc. is the Plan Manager and Nuveen Securities, LLC is the Distributor.

To establish a selling agreement with Nuveen please contact us here:

There are various risks associated with an investment in the Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan; principal loss is possible.

The Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan’s Investment Portfolios are subject to the risks of the underlying fund(s) in which they invest and other risks, as described in the Plan Description. To obtain a more complete description of the investment policies and risks of the underlying funds, please refer to the current prospectuses for the underlying funds.

The Target Allocation Portfolios are currently comprised of four Investment Portfolios. The Target Allocation Portfolios are designed for account owners who prefer a diversified Investment Portfolio with a fixed risk level rather than a risk level that changes as the Designated Beneficiary ages.

The Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios are intended for Account Owners who prefer an Investment Portfolio with a risk level that becomes increasingly conservative over time as the Designated Beneficiary approaches expected enrollment in an Eligible Educational Institution and/or expected year in which amounts will be withdrawn to pay for Qualified Higher Education Expenses. There are ten target Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios that invest in multiple underlying funds, each of which has a different investment strategy.

Before investing, carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan, including whether the investor’s or designated beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other benefits that are only available for investment in such state’s qualified tuition program. For this and other information that should be read carefully, please read the Plan Description or request one at 888-5-SCHOLAR (888-572-4652).

Participation in the Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan does not guarantee that the account’s assets will be adequate to cover future tuition or other higher education expenses, or that a designated beneficiary will be admitted to or permitted to continue to attend an institution of higher education. Contributions to an Account and the investment earnings if any, are not guaranteed or insured.

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