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Closed-end funds

Close the Income Gap® with Nuveen closed-end funds

Apartment building

Closed-end funds can be an attractive choice for income-focused investors

Because of their distinct structure and ability to use leverage,1 closed-end funds may offer the potential for higher regular income than other types of investment products. What’s more, the funds may help address specific investment goals or concerns such as cash flow, interest rate risk, income market volatility, and tax efficiency.


Why invest with Nuveen

A trusted closed-end fund provider for more than thirty-five years, Nuveen offers advisors and investors dedicated client service with a legacy of integrity and innovation.


Consider these closed-end funds

                      Fund may address
Fund name and ticker Fund
uses leverage
Cash flow Interest
Taxable fixed income
Nuveen Preferred & Income Opportunities Fund JPC
Preferred and income securities
Nuveen Mortgage and Income Fund JLS
Securitized credit    
Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund JFR
Senior loans  
Nuveen Global High Income Fund JGH Global high yield securities    
Municipal fixed income*
Nuveen Municipal Credit Opportunities Fund NMCO
High yield municipal bonds
Nuveen Municipal Value Fund, Inc. NUV
  Investment grade municipal bonds  
Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund NVG
AMT-free, investment grade municipal bonds  
Nuveen Municipal Credit Income Fund NZF
Investment grade municipal bonds  
Nuveen Municipal High Income Opportunity Fund NMZ
High yield municipal bonds  
Real asset
Nuveen Real Asset Income and Growth Fund JRI
Real assets & global infrastructure  
Real estate
Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund JRS
REIT common & REIT preferred  
Domestic equity
Nuveen Nasdaq 100 Dynamic Overwrite Fund QQQX
  Equity option
Nuveen S&P 500 Dynamic Overwrite Fund SPXX
  Equity option
*Some income may be subject to state and local taxes and to the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). Capital gains, if any, are subject to tax.
The funds meet at least two of the four following criteria: make regular monthly or quarterly distributions, have a lower duration than the Bloomberg U.S Aggregate Bond Index, have a higher distribution rate and/or lower standard deviation than U.S. Treasury bonds, or invest at least 80% of their managed assets in tax-exempt municipal bonds or had at least 80% of their prior year’s distributions represent QDI or a nontaxable distribution (return of capital).
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1 Leverage typically magnifies the total return of a fund’s portfolio, whether that return is positive or negative, and creates an opportunity for increased common share net income as well as higher volatility of net asset value, market price, and distributions. There is no assurance that a fund’s leveraging strategy will be successful.

2 Some income may be subject to state and local taxes and to the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). Capital gains, if any, are subject to tax.


There are risks inherent in any investment, including the possible loss of principal. There can be no assurance that fund objectives will be achieved. Closed-end funds frequently trade at a discount to their net asset value. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Asset class related risks: There are risks inherent in any investment, including the possible loss of principal. Different types of asset investments have different types of risks, which may provide higher returns but also greater volatility. In general, equity securities tend to be more volatile than fixed income or hybrid securities. Foreign investments may involve exposure to additional risks such as currency fluctuation and political and economic instability. The value of, and income generated by, debt securities will decrease or increase based on changes in market interest rates. High yield corporate bonds are subject to liquidity risks and heightened credit risk. Government bonds are guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest.

For these and other risks, please see the Funds’ web pages at

Closed-end fund historical distribution sources have included net investment income, realized gains, and return of capital.

Nuveen Securities, LLC, member FINRA and SIPC


Duration: A measure of the price sensitivity of a fixed income security or portfolio to changes in interest rates. Duration is stated in years. For example, if a bond has a duration of four years, the price of the bond is expected to change by approximately 4% for every one percentage point change in interest rates. The shorter the duration, the less price variability expected in the security’s price due to changes in interest rates.

Standard deviation: A measure of the degree to which a fund’s actual returns varied from its average return over a certain period. The smaller the variation, the lower the standard deviation will be. The standard deviation is a common measure of volatility and risk.

Qualified dividend income (QDI): Qualified dividend income (“QDI”) is dividend income that is paid by a “qualifying” company and for which the recipient (shareholder) meets certain holding period requirements. A qualifying company for this purpose includes any domestic company (with special rules for REITs and regulated investment companies). In order for a foreign company to be treated as a qualifying company, either its shares must be traded on a qualifying exchange or the foreign company’s country of origin must have a comprehensive income tax treaty with the United States that includes an exchange of information program.

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