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Investing in U.S. row crops

Close up of plants at sunset

What are row crops?

Row crops are crops that are planted and harvested annually and include grains such as wheat and corn and oilseeds such as soybeans. There are multiple ways we seek diversification in a row crop portfolio through regional, crop type and lease term exposures. Typically, row crop investments benefit from stable annual income yields and long term capital appreciation. In addition, a number of row crops, such as corn, soybeans and sugarcane, are also used in the production of alternative fuel sources. Given their lower risk profile compared to permanent crops, row crops often serve as the core of a diversified farmland portfolio.

How does Nuveen Natural Capital invest in U.S. row crop investments?

For over 35 years, Nuveen Natural Capital has managed land-based assets across the globe, including significant investments in U.S. row crop regions. Our experienced team of investment managers maintain a local presence across our row crop portfolio of over 270,000 acres in 5 primary U.S. regions. Active management allows us to align our goals with those of our tenant partners and clients, helping to drive value throughout the entire investment process. Nuveen Natural Capital’s thorough and efficient due diligence process, local hands on management approach and commitment to implementing sustainable practices and farming innovation provides opportunities that benefit all stakeholders.

Whether you are new to farmland investing or looking to broaden your knowledge on U.S. row crop investments, we invite you to view our U.S. row crop video series where we provide an overview of the key factors and considerations influencing our investment and property management decisions.

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