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John Espinosa
About John Espinosa
John is a portfolio manager for Nuveen’s global fixed income team and sector lead for sovereigns. He is a member of Nuveen’s emerging and non-U.S. developed markets fixed income team and serves as a lead and co-portfolio manager across Nuveen’s emerging markets and non-U.S. developed fixed income strategies. John is a member of the Investment Committee, which establishes investment policy for all global fixed income products.
John has nearly two decades of fixed income investment experience. He previously managed the Nuveen’s fixed income research team, one of the largest in the asset management industry. Prior to that he managed the global sovereign and emerging markets debt research teams. John joined the firm in 2004 as a quantitative analyst and associate portfolio manager. He was selected for The Asset Magazine’s “Most Astute Asian G3 Bond Investors” list from 2008 to 2015, ranking number one in the U.S. in 2011, and also recognized as 2019’s top manager for risk adjusted returns within international fixed income by Citywire Professional Buyer magazine.
John graduated with a B.B.A. in Economics and International Business from Manhattan College, an M.A. in Economics from Fordham University, and holds a Certificate in Advanced Risk and Investment Management from the Yale School of Management.
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