The C-PACE Lending Strategy allows institutional investors access to invest in clean energy and impact opportunities, and delivers an end to end platform providing value for stakeholders across the life of the loan.
Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) provides commercial real estate owners access to energy efficiency, climate resiliency, water conservation and renewable energy projects financed via special assessments enabled under U.S. public sector C-PACE programs.
Key differentiators
- Extensive expertise
Tenured and experienced management team helped architect the C-PACE policy framework and were the first to securitize the asset class, with an average leadership team tenure of seven years - Vertically integrated platform
In-house originations, credit, legal and asset management teams promote top to bottom alignment of interest - Core ESG focus
The projects the strategy finances create energy, water or environmental resiliency benefits for property owners and reduces environmental impact. Energy and water efficiency can reduce operating costs for buildings, supporting local and global competitiveness - Rapidly maturing asset class
Institutionalization of borrower base and C-PACE industry can increase the originations opportunity set