next issue no. 10: Investment corner
Fixed income normally has a relatively consistent role in retirement
accounts, especially target date funds. It is a conservative allocation
that generates income, and sits opposed to equities, which are
designed to have more capital appreciation and be higher risk.
But, as we covered in our last edition of next, this year has seen
elevated levels of volatility across multiple asset classes. With the
U.S. Federal Reserve hiking rates at an unprecedented rate fixed
income price returns have been severely impacted. As such fixed
income returns have been broadly negative alongside equities, despite
elevated yields.
With our macroeconomic call for
a mild recession next year, we also
expect spreads to widen and defaults
to marginally climb as more troubled
companies are unable to refinance their debt at the yield levels that are now demanded by the market.
So, what does this mean for the ongoing
role of fixed income in retirement plans?
And what questions should plan sponsors
be asking of their asset managers to make
sure that they are properly positioning for
an environment that hasn’t really been
seen since the mid-1990s.
Yields are very attractive now
One thing that has to be stated
early, and will occur throughout our
commentary on fixed income, is that
yields are now at levels that are very
attractive for asset allocators. It was
not long ago that we were diving into
our asset allocation models to calculate
the exact mixture of public and private
assets, and below investment grade
corporate debt or structured products,
that were needed to bring a portfolio’s
yield up to 4/5% levels.
Now? U.S. Treasuries are essentially
good enough if a simple yield target is
all an allocator needs. The Bloomberg
U.S. Aggregate Index, a common broad
fixed income benchmark with a majority
allocation to Treasuries, currently
yields over 4.5%.
While most retirement portfolios
should be focused on relatively lowrisk sectors within fixed income, again
to focus on income generation and to
try and insulate the portfolio from
future volatility. There is definitely
an argument to be made that a fixed
income asset management team that
is able to stretch slightly across fixed
income asset classes, perhaps with an
allocation to preferred securities or to
even just higher quality corporate debt,
could gain even higher levels of yield.
We also believe that interest rates will
be range-bound in the near term before
declining in the second half of 2023,
and we forecast that risk premiums
may widen further over coming
quarters, providing an even more
attractive entry point.
But what about the recession?
However, our base case, as outlined in our 2023
GIC outlook, is that if the U.S. enters a recession
in 2023, it should be relatively mild. The economic
growth outlook faces higher uncertainty and
stronger headwinds than it has in recent years, but
fundamentals are ultimately supportive and will
help the U.S. economy avoid a deep recession. The
underlying strength of the consumer remains a firm
positive for the economy and should help insulate
much of the economy from a more severe downturn
brought on by tighter financial conditions.
We do see a risk that sharply reduced monetary
and fiscal policy support will reduce growth and
inflation in coming quarters. Overall though we
expect the 10-year Treasury yield to end the year
around 3.75%.
When examining the corporate bond market, we
do not expect defaults to rise to levels seen in
more severe recessions, partly because corporate
interest coverage ratios remain at surprisingly
elevated levels.
So, despite the higher cost of financing that will hit
most corporate balance sheets as debt comes due,
we believe that many companies are in a robust
enough state to be able to weather the storm.
Therefore, over the medium term, we expect that
strong fundamentals will help limit the damage to
spread sectors and we favor a modest overweight to
IG credit and the higher quality segments of high
yield, floating-rate loans and preferreds.
We also believe that both the dollar and longterm interest rates have peaked for this cycle, as
the market increasingly looks forward to future
economic weakness and eventual rate cuts.
Positioning fixed income in 2023
There will be attractive entry points for emerging
markets and long-duration assets in the quarters
ahead. And while emerging markets may not be
particularly suitable as a significant allocation
for a portfolio focused on target date liabilities, it
could still be useful if the underlying asset manager
has the capacity to reach into more esoteric fixed
income asset classes as ultimately diversification
remains critical.
We believe that a portfolio with a focus on credits
with durable free cash flow and solid balance
sheets across a wide range of sectors is a robust
approach through an economic downturn.
Diversified strategies with higher rate sensitivity
look attractive. We expect to increase risk in our
fixed income portfolios over coming quarters as
valuations improve.
The duration positioning of a portfolio is another
consideration. While we have been generally short
duration over the last year, we are now starting to
move further out along the curve. Especially for
investors that focus on buy-and-hold strategies
simply moving further out on the duration curve to
the 7–10-year part of the corporate market could
bring yields over 5% without taking on significant
additional risk.
If an investor is positioned in higher quality
investment grade bonds, while there may be some
negative price returns through a recession, it would
be possible to hold the bonds to
maturity almost regardless of the
underlying economic situation and
to see significantly higher yields than
would have been possible across much
of the last decade.
What to ask your fixed income asset manager
In this peculiar environment, with
higher yields a very tempting place to
park assets, while at the same time
recession risk looms, it might be
worth asking your fixed income asset
manager some questions as to how
they view both the macroeconomic
environment and their underlying
portfolio positioning.
- Are your fixed income
managers adequately
allocated to pick up the yield
of the underlying Aggregate
Index, targeting high
quality Treasuries and some
corporate exposure, or are
they stretching into noncore allocations to pick up
additional yield?
- Do your managers have
sufficient flexibility and cash
allocations to effectively
allocate within and across
fixed income sectors as rates
change through this relatively
uncertain environment?
- Are the target date fund
portfolios appropriately
exposed to duration?
- Do your fixed income
managers have a track record
of high upside capture and low
downside capture ratios?
- Do your managers have the
experience, resources, scale
and market presence to
manage fixed income assets
effectively in all market
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Nuveen provides investment advisory solutions through its investment specialists.