Áine manages a team responsible for all financial and tax issues for Nuveen Real Estate’s Luxembourg-domiciled funds.
Áine joined the business in 2004, where her role evolved from fund accountant to Head of Finance, working initially on Jersey and U.K.-domiciled funds to her current position of Head of Finance for Luxembourg-domiciled funds. Prior to this, she spent some time working in New York in the hedge fund sector with American Express Tax and Business Services, where she gained extensive knowledge of U.S. hedge funds, and a short period with Credit Suisse Asset Management in Sydney working in the financial services sector.
Áine trained as a Chartered Accountant in a mid-sized Chartered Accountancy practice in Dublin, Ireland, where she gained a wide variety of experience of both the commercial and financial industry sectors. She is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ireland and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ireland.