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Richard Hamilton-Grey
About Richard Hamilton-Grey
Richard overseas the ESG platform across the European and Asia Pacific regions. Richard develops and coordinates the integration of ESG strategy across the investment management process, and advises fund and asset management teams on managing ESG risks and capitalising on opportunities within their portfolios. Richard is also a member of Nuveen Real Estate’s Investment Committee.
As part of the Strategic Insights team, Richard works alongside the organisation’s global research, proptech and innovation functions. His role includes driving Nuveen Real Estate’s Tomorrow’s World Strategy which helps future proof the investment strategy in light of global megatrends and integrates ESG across fund and asset management. This strategy ensures that the business delivers on its mission to invest in the urban fabric of Tomorrow’s World for the enduring benefit of our clients and society.
Since joining the firm in 2015, Richard has supported the organization setting a target to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2040. This commitment responds to and supports the ambitious goals for sustainable real estate established at the 21st annual Conference of Parties (COP21) held in Paris in September 2015. He also supports the organisation to develop investment guidelines related to physical and transition climate change risk, as set out in the Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosure Framework.
Prior to joining Nuveen Real Estate in 2015, Richard was at Land Securities, responsible for energy management across office, retail and leisure portfolios. Prior to that, he was at the Institute for Sustainability where he managed a European-wide Responsible Property Investment programme.
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