31 Jul 2023
The Morningstar Fund Compare tool quickly evaluates different funds against one another. In addition to Nuveen funds, add any MF, CEF or ETF available from Morningstar. Important information and disclosures are included after you click Generate Report. Please ensure to enable pop-ups in your browser.
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Nuveen Green Capital Welcomes Cory Jubran as Senior Director, Originations for the West Coast
Nuveen Green Capital (NGC), a leader in sustainable commercial real estate financing solutions, announced today that Cory Jubran has joined their team as Senior Director, Originations for the West Coast.
Mr. Jubran joins NGC from Bank OZK (formerly Bank of the Ozarks), where he spent eight years as an originations team leader on the West Coast, originating over $6B of construction, bridge, and note financing for the commercial real estate market. In addition to being a top originator, Mr. Jubran was selected to lead the Bank OZK associate training program where training and mentoring CRE professionals became a passion of his. Cory also brings lending experience from CIT and the Arab Jordan Investment Bank. Throughout his career, he has accumulated real estate transaction experience of over $7B. Mr. Jubran received his bachelor’s degree in International Studies from the University of California, San Diego.
C-PACE makes it possible for commercial property owners to obtain low-cost, long-term, fixed-rate financing for energy efficiency, water conservation and renewable energy projects. C-PACE has quickly grown in popularity as an attractive CRE financing solution, and is now available in 37 states and Washington D.C.
“We have seen enormous growth in C-PACE financing, particularly with the pullback in the debt markets. As we approach $2B in originations this year alone, we are adding to our team to double down on the market opportunity on the West Coast and benefit from the expertise and talent of a seasoned structured finance professional. We are confident that Mr. Jubran has the experience, drive and mission-driven mindset to further expand upon our foothold in the market and add lift to our already industry-leading reputation,” said Kate Cusack, VP, Originations, Nuveen Green Capital.
"I am honored to join Nuveen Green Capital, a leader in advancing sustainable finance solutions. C-PACE has immense potential to transform the commercial real estate landscape by driving energy efficiency improvements and fostering the growth of clean energy technologies. I am excited to leverage my ten years of experience in real estate lending and work alongside the talented team at Nuveen Green Capital to expand the accessibility of C-PACE financing, grow its adoption among institutional lenders, and all the while empower property owners to make environmentally conscious choices," said Mr. Jubran.