21 Mar 2024
The Morningstar Fund Compare tool quickly evaluates different funds against one another. In addition to Nuveen funds, add any MF, CEF or ETF available from Morningstar. Important information and disclosures are included after you click Generate Report. Please ensure to enable pop-ups in your browser.
The Morningstar Portfolio Review tool compares and analyzes your portfolio holdings. In addition to Nuveen funds, add any MF, CEF or ETF available from Morningstar. Important information and disclosures are included after you click Generate Report. Please ensure to enable pop-ups in your browser.
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I believe sustainability is and will continue to be a crucial aspect of commercial real estate development going forward. As a whole, the commercial real estate community has been moving toward understanding that sustainability is not just a buzzword -- but in actuality, can be a smart financial decision.
Leadership Spotlight: Cory Jubran
Joining Nuveen Green Capital a few short months ago, this notable leader with a lifelong passion for real estate has already made an impact on NGC’s originations efforts on the West Coast.
Where are you from originally?
I grew up in Orange County California, more specifically Anaheim where I lived my entire childhood only a few miles from Disneyland. Saw the Disneyland fireworks every night as a kid from our home.
What do you do in your current role?
I am the Senior Director of Originations leading the West Coast team and pipeline.
What led you to this career path?
Finance and deal making has always been a passion of mine since I was young. I was the typical entrepreneurial kid who paid for video games by mowing lawns and working odd jobs. I was always interested in real estate and made that focus of mine as grew older. This eventually led me to work at a bank after college in their commercial real estate department and I have been trying to close deals ever since!
What do you see in the future for clean energy and this business?
I believe sustainability is and will continue to be a crucial aspect of commercial real estate development going forward. As a whole, the commercial real estate community has been moving toward understanding that sustainability is not just a buzzword -- but in actuality, can be a smart financial decision.
How and why is this important to you?
This is important to me because sustainability invariably also leads to a more equitable world. As a child of immigrants, I have a window into the struggles of inequity globally and as such, am hopeful for this change in the investment focus of the world.
What is important to you with regard to helping to run a female-led business?
To my earlier point on equity, I am excited to help put that into practice. We have two amazing women founders, Jessica Bailey and Alexandra Cooley, who share many of the goals I have for sustainability and equity - and so it’s important for me to help the team be successful.